Monday, 31 August 2009

People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm

Right about now I think I am quite disillusioned with myself. In a time where I'm about to leave things just seem so out of's hard to describe it. At home, there are all these plans to renovate the house, with my friends they're all starting to go their own paths as I am going on my own. With that the tangled trees in between our paths just start to get more tangled and greater in number. Deep down I think inside I'm doing this to myself because I am moving away and starting off somewhere else; I'm getting all disillusioned with everything because I'm the wheel in the cog that's getting removed and my place no longer fits properly like it did. For someone who has never really done much for himself (Admittedly and ashamedly out of procrastination and other excuses) it's a big shock to the system. I'm hyping the situation probably and it won't be so bad, but going it alone is such a big change that I can't help worry about these things. See, i'm quite the "stressed eric" and worry and fret and think about things moreso than needed :P. Anyhoo, apologies for this rather depressing post :P.

Water Got No Enemy

Out of all the songs I've been listening to recently, this one has to be the one song that's resonated the most. Maybe that's because of"time" associated with it, which in hindsight probably does have a big role to play, but to be honest every time I do listen to it I just feel im drifting away slowly into the sunset - like the credits of a massive film called "Life - the end of an era" is rolling and this song is just accompanying those credits with pictures of events in my life. There's something so resolute and positive in this song that it feels like it's high note for the ending. When I think about it though, I reckon it's mostly to do with the ending of an era of me and TK and our free jams - we ended it on a good note and my nostalgic senses have gone into overdrive as a result. That's why I think I keep hearing this song with ending credits - the actors all playing their parts in this film and moving onto their new projects, making different films and getting into new roles, ones you'd never think to see them in.

As well as being positive, it makes me sad at the same time, as nostalgic trips tend to do - in the same way you feel sad if a really good film comes to an end, you also relish the good ending that comes along with it. Still, maybe there's always time for a sequel eh?

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Deep Fried Frenz

Hi kids! Today we're going to make eggrolls from banana skins. Right, what you do is open up a banana, take the skin and dash it on someone's forehead. The natural oils in a person's skin just exfoliates the skin and gives it a natural and nutritious combination of vitamin c and antioxidants - so get the most oiliest and greasiest person you know, throw that skin and make sure you feel that resinous texture in your hand. The oil allows you to get that really high cholesterol flavour but in a much more healthier way. I think it's just absolutely divine.

Now once you have that done, what you need to do is get the banana and chop it up into small pieces and take the peel; this part is VITAL so take heed with what im about to write next. The peel will be used to make the egg whites. That's right, the egg whites. So what you do is, take the peel, throw it in a blender with milk, paint stripper and dulux paint at exactly 20 ml, 1 litre and 10 litres. Blend for 20 minutes until you get this really rich, gelatinous and gorgeous feel to it. Take this amazing mixture into a baking tray and place the banana sking in a circle in the middle of the mixture.

Put this into the oven at gasmark 4 and leave for half an hour until a crispy and crunchy contortion comes out of the oven and there we have our egg roll.

Best served with a bowl of feta cheese and whisky.

Enjoy this sumptious morsel as it's the perfect summer and date food!