Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Chapter One: Freedom? - Sketches.

Light. In a world of shadow, the enigma of purity has always come to the rescue....but what if that world is deprived from light? oppression from the light by forces that be. Satori's tale is an enigma to that world. The individual who found the light and followed it.

A man walks through the path, the mandarin coloured leaves scattered along the road in the haze of Fall. The sun sings farewell on his delicate sketchpad of vibrant gold and magenta. The man looks curiously at the sky, pondering of the events that had just occured. He looks down, onto his chest and sees the wound, a fresh batch of the congealed rouge staining him. He realises. He looks at the sky for freedom. Looking at it as a long lost friend; a friend whom he had depended on whenever his actions and thoughts strayed. It had been his source of energy, his goal, his desire, passion, ambition and now the sun had granted his sketches to be painted across the sky now just as he was fading away, after being long trapped in the darkness he had loathed.

He smiled jubilantly, as his knees slowly collapsed into the myraid of leaves. Those leaves wiped his tears, his anguish and blood into the soil. They purified him, removing his pain and it was this that he no longer wished to fight for life. He closed his eyes as he felt life draining from him, but ever conscious of himself.....

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