The most interesting thing happened yesterday though - talking online with the T-1000 Turok about the nature of the universe and the dimensional aspects to these universes. It was the most intense conversation i've had in a very long time philosophically. The last i remember something like that was back in BCB staying at Adz house. Ah that was a good time - staying up all night just talking about the directions in life and having an existential talk. What the conversation yesterday was about was mainly to do with how because the world never remains constant and everything is recycled - whether it be nutrients or history's lessons and traditions (btw wtf is postmodernism? is it just another culture? i mean everything we do is "modern" so if you go past postmodernism isn't that the future? or just something more modern? - i digress again) that it's an illusion - which is a fair enough judgement. But the real meat was how the prophet SAW travelled on the Buraj to the heavens, beyond where even Gabriel (could never spell the arab version) couldn't go. It was like going through as light. Afterall the prophet SAW is called the noor of the land. Furthermore, it says that those who enter heaven shall be given eyes to comprehend the light of heaven. Light itself is energy (photons, etc) but it got me thinking - there's only a small spectrum of light we can visibly see (hence visible spectrum) but there's so much more light we can't see - UV, Gamma, X-ray, etc. So would this light be of the same sort? i doubt it would even be one of the examples i gave - afterall it's in another dimension beyond this, where there could be different forms of light. Hell we don't even know what's going on in our dimensions. Afterall, as Hume suggested "Science is ultimately based on faith" because all of the causal links made are not easy to prove. He made a valid point - where humans make a causal link between one thing and another, when it's possible that they aren't linked. For example, if i throw a brick at a window and the window smashes - it's possible that the window might not smash and that automatically we assume brick - window - smashed.
But that aside - look at how science works. Take chemistry, almost ALL of chemistry is based on theories and mathematical assumptions which are based on other theories. For example, no-one really knows how catalysts work, or what exactly the atomic structure is or what's INSIDE an atom - there's electrons and protons and quarks and all that, but it's mostly theory. My point being that though there's empirical evidence to SUGGEST that these might be right - we'll never know for sure. Same with the THEORY of evolution - it's merely suggestions. So fair enough, science is the closest thing we are gonna get to some reasonable sense of the world, but our reason should also look at the fact at the MASSIVE gaping holes in our knowledge of the world and how possibly we should doubt even the science many of us depend on - afterall scientists try and doubt each other as much as they can - for ego's sake or to prove a theory false and come up with another one. Don't get me wrong - there are rules - like we cannot create or destroy energy, but these rules are few and far.
So back to the topic, the prophet SAW went through these dimensions as perhaps different forms of light (this is another theory mind you :D) and i think the connection for those forms is the soul. Maybe that's why scientists cannot figure out why our weight is more than all the calculations suggest - the soul is there, waiting to be released after death, to be transformed and taken into different places. Just like how light can be refracted or converted to different energy - e.g. light from a bulb as well as heat. Now you might think if God is made up of light, then could he be (yes here cometh the blasphemy) and i think the answer is simply no - it goes back to the rule "energy cannot be made or destroyed" as well as if god was omniscient and omnipowerful and all the other omnis (apart from omnious and related ones) then it would surely make no sense to be able to be refracted in the same way - light in our dimension can be bent or reflected, but i don't think god's light is the same purely because it's the source. I think what the world and nature show us is the minute fraction of God's light being poured down in its visible form to humans - the genius of god's creation. I think i also have an answer for those who say how can god be cruel - everything is recycled in this world - our own bodies are recycled - so in reality we (physically) become part of god's creation on earth and these dimensions (if we pass beyond earth into the known universe). It also says in the scriptures that those who suffer in their souls in this world will be recompensated in the hereafter or in other words - another dimension. As for how can god exist without time if he "created" (created is past tense therefore how could he have creat-ed if he doesn't live in time or space) is purely for the fact that god is in another dimension or outside dimensions even - he is not limited. Perhaps infinity is another dimension - and that might seem paradoxical, afterall dimensions imply limits but inifite is not limited. That i suppose is the closest thing i could possibly call it. Some people might call that an unreasonable cop out, but i ask them to look into how empirically we could prove otherwise - and i highlight PROVE.
Furthermore, because we cannot in full prove much, this world hasn't got many truths to it (metaphysically i mean - not colloquially or mundanely in human livelihood) therefore it perhaps is really illusionary. Personally im of the grey part where belief is sometimes all we got to rely on.
Oh yeah, i'm loving Green Milk's stuff, incredibly progressive but refreshing with a taste of Kraut rock in it. It's like a mix of colour haze and mars volta but just longer - the songs don't seem to be that epic, they just seem like jamming moments all the time but with a purpose - a subtle but energetic one - due to the kraut influences. Oh yeah, looking at other posts, thought i might stick a picture up so i think i might use a classic BCB folk tale of art times one:

Ah the beautiful picture that was plagarised for an art exam - lovely :).
speaking of nice pictures, was looking through the old hokusai pics and still love them.
peace out.